4 Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Attractive
There are dozens of ways to make your property more enticing to potential buyers. For example, you can invest in getting your home professionally “staged”, which involves making it look a little like a model home. Or, you can do a major renovation to improve your home‘s look and value.
But what if you don’t have a lot of time and are on a limited budget? What can you do today to make your home irresistible to buyers tomorrow? Here are some ideas:
1. Paint
It doesn’t cost much to paint key areas of your home, like the foyer, kitchen or master bedroom. Yet the impression it makes on buyers is significant. In fact, compared to most other types of home improvement projects, painting gives you the highest payback when you sell.
2. Create space
Homes naturally get cluttered over the years. Even a double car garage can seem claustrophobic if there are a lot of boxes, equipment and other items stored in it. Go through each room of your home and do a major decluttering. It will make your property seem more attractive and, when you sell, make moving easier too!
3. Clean and tidy
Obviously, you’re going to make sure your home is clean for viewings. But you’d be surprised what a homeowner can miss and a buyer notices. Closets, laundry rooms, side yard, basement furnace room and all other nooks and crannies should be as tidy and clean as possible.
4. Roll out the red carpet
Not an actual red carpet! But you do want the entrance way to your front door and into the foyer to make the best impression possible. After all, those are the areas that a buyer sees first. Make sure walkways are clear and clean. Ensure that when a buyer opens the front door and walks in, the impression he or she gets is that of a great looking place to live.
These four tips don’t take much time or money to implement. Yet, they can all help make your home even more irresistible to buyers than it is today.
Want more tips on preparing your home for sale? Call today The Gordon Brothers today.